Kingdom Of God (4)

According to the Scriptures, therefore, special revelation is a historic process, an organic system, a continuous divine activity directed to destroying the power of sin, to the building up of the kingdom of God, to the restoration of the Cosmos, to the summing up of all things in Christ.

1.6K      2024-05-17     0
"Fear God" and you will have nothing else to fear. Don't fear what the next day may bring. Don't fear other people. Don't fear violence and power, even when it comes to you personally and can rob you of your life. Don't fear the high and mighty in the world. Don't fear yourself. Don't fear your sins. All these fears will die. From all these fears you will be set free. For they are no longer there. But fear God and him alone. For he has the power over all the powers of this world. The whole world is in fear of God. He has power to give us life or to destroy us. All other powers are a mere game.Remembrance Sunday: Who and What is Babylon? in Dietrich Bonhoeffer Christmas Sermons (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2005), 111

1.2K      2020-12-10     0
the Kingdom of God is the redemptive reign of God dynamically active to establish his rule among men, and that this Kingdom, which will appear as an apocalyptic act at the end of the age, has already come into human history in the person and mission of Jesus to overcome evil, to deliver men from its power, and to bring them into the blessings of God's reign.

1.1K      2017-06-26     0

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